Sunday, September 21, 2014

Module 4 - Predictive Modeling

In module 4 we began with a DEM (digital elevation model) of Tangle Lakes in Alaska.  We used information  such as the ice mass and streams and rivers in order to create additional rasters using several tools in arcmap. The end resulted in finding the slop, aspect, dem and final stream/river and compiling them into a weighted overlay with specific % influence.  The map now highlights areas of greater archaeological interest where habitable areas most likely occurred. Areas of greater interest are shown in green, less likely in yellow, and least likely in red.

This lab was most enjoyable and filled with great tools for future mapping. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Identifying Maya Pyramids: Analysis and Report

For our final week of Identifying Maya Pyramids our lab involved using different visualizations of aerial images and our supervised classification that we created last week. We used the convert map to KML tool that gave us the ability to transfer the file into Google Maps. This was a pretty challenging lab and I ran into a few difficulties.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Identifying Maya Pyramids: Data Analysis

This week we continued our work on El Mirador and surrounding pyramids.  We started with an NDVI (normal difference vegatation index) which highlights biomass base on NIF and IF spectral bands.  The second map shows a composite band using bands 4, 5, 1 RGB. The last map is a supervised classification of the surround area using the training sample manager (TSM) in the image classification tool.  Polygons were drawn and combined to show each respective class. By utilizing the TSM we are able to highlight different classes of the area given. 

I noticed a few glitches in ArcMap, most likely caused by using large files.  There was periods of lagging and a few where I needed to restart.  Additionally, there may be a need to use higher resolution images. I struggled with locating pyramids and found it to be highly pixelated. With the use of the base map and the swipe feature I was able to narrow it down.