Friday, January 11, 2013

Cartography Map Critique

                                             Good Map

The Nisqually Wildlife Refuge map pictured above is a map that I have used several times while walking the refuge trail. The map is visually pleasing with colors, icons, and boundaries which help the reader navigate the area with ease. The layout maximizes information by placing the legend in an area of unused space. Additionally, the colors highlight the area without adding any disruptive visual difficulties. This map follows the 6 Commandments including but not limited to map substantial information, effectively label maps, and map layout. Furthermore, the map also effectively represents Tufteisms 7, 8, 12, 18, and 19.

                                     Bad Map

        The Fossil Fuel Fix map is an example of a poorly designed map.  The map states that it is about fossil fuels and is confusing because it lists gas, coal, and oil. However, if you look at the informational aides on the right side of the map, as well as the information in the center of the map, you can see that the only information it refers to is in regards to oil. Additionally, there is too much information in the entirety of the map, which makes it hard for a reader to understand the point. This map does not meet many of the 20 Tufteisms such as numbers 2, 3, 7,9, 18, and 20. It also fails to comply with the 6 commandments.

Process Summary Details
I enjoyed this lab because it helped me understand the do’s and don’ts of maps by explaining Tufteisms guide lines and by having us research and provide examples of both good and bad maps.

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