Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Projections Part 2- AKA Hardest Map to Date

1.From > Quad Index (pdf file)> find 2 adjacent quads 
in Escambia County, Florida. Selected 5160
Perdido Bay and 5159 Fort Barrancas.
2.From Labins select DOQQ using 2004 RGB StatePlane, FT MrSID for both quads. 
 Extract all files for both quads (NE,NW,SE,SW of types
3.USX, SDW,SID).  Saved to folder called s:Intro to GIS\Week 6\Projections Assignment
Information about the Data:  Projection:  State Plane
Datum:  NAD83
Units:  Feet
Graphics Type:  MrSID
World File:  sdw
Resolution:  1-meter
Color:  True Color (not CIR)
4. Check ArcCatalog to make sure file has the correct spatial reference.  
State Plane: NAD 1983 StatePlane Florida North FIPS 0903

5.Update projection of other files cntbnd.shp, qd24, and majrds_feb10
From the toolbox,  Double-click Project tool Project tool window – 
Add the one you want to change and Output Dataset USGS 24k
Quarter Quad Index\qd24_reprojected_StatePlane.shp
Output Coordinate System for Spatial Reference Properties> 
Browse Coordinate System >Projected
CoordinateSystemsStatePlaneND 1983(USFeet)
& NAD_1983_StatePlane_Florida_North_FIPS_0903_FeetAdd
Geographic Transformation |>NAD_1983 _To_HARN_Florida 
click OK to run reprojection process
6.Open all files in ArcMap.

7. Open Excel and import fileEscambia_tanks.xls.   
Add columns for Xcoor and Ycoor.  Use formulas for converting lat/long to decimal degrees (DD):
X = LATITUDE with FORMULA of DD=degrees + (minutes/60) + (seconds/3600)
Y=LONGITUDE with FORMULA of DD =((degrees + (minutes/60) + (seconds/3600)) *(-1)
The negative for Y is because the US is West of the Prime meridian so all longitude is negative.
Hover curser on bottom right of Xcoor column until a plus sign pops up.
 Click and drag to the bottom of the file data. Do the same for Ycoor.
8. Add Data to a Blank ArcMap page.  File ; Add Data>XY Data.  
Click Edit to define coordinate system and select Geographic Coordinate System
World WGS 1984.
Then Export Datq ;Export Data>Same data frame as Ouput

9. Open ArcTool box ; Data Management Tools  Projections; Transformations ;
Feature sub-;Double-clickProject tool Project toolwindow; 
Input Dataset as Export_Output_escambia_tanks.shp
 and Output Dataset as  Export_Output_escambia_tanks_StatePlane.shp
Output Coordinate System for Spatial Reference Properties;
Select;Browse Coordinate System ;Projected Coordinate Systems; 
State Plane; NAD 1983 (US Feet) > NAD_1983_StatePlane_Florida_North_FIPS_0903_Feet
;Add Geographic Transformation;NAD_1983 _To_WGS1984_5
;Click OK to run reprojection process
10. Add map essentials

11. Save and Export as JPEG

1 comment:

Amber said...

Great job on this map, Monica!
Remember, just include a description vs. your entire process. Keep up the good work :)Amber