Thursday, January 25, 2024

Module 3 - Terrain Visualization

In creating the land cover map with terrain visualization for Yellowstone Park, I employed a strategic approach to design. Initially, I thoroughly examined the attributes of the land cover layer to gain a comprehensive understanding of the dataset. Custom symbology was then crafted, manually selecting colors and consolidating similar land cover types into similar categories, enhancing clarity through grouped symbols and edited labels. A choice between traditional and multidirectional hillshade from the DEM was made, with the selected layer positioned beneath the land cover layer to provide supplementary topographic context. Transparency settings for the land cover layer were adjusted to allow the hillshade's influence, and iterative changes were made to symbology based on the combined impact of hillshade and transparency. The map layout design focused on visual hierarchy, ensuring a balanced and clear representation with essential map elements like title, legend (for land cover types only), scale bar, north arrow, and cartographer/source information. 


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