Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Module 5 - Exploring & Manipulating Data

 This week's assignment focused on manipulating spatial data using ArcGIS Pro. The tasks involved creating a new file geodatabase, copying feature classes into this geodatabase, and using search cursors to extract data. One key challenge was handling the ExecuteError when creating the geodatabase, which was resolved by ensuring no other instances of ArcGIS Pro were accessing it and adding a check to delete the existing geodatabase if it already existed. Another challenge was correctly populating a dictionary with city names and populations, which required careful use of search cursors and print statements for debugging. 

The process highlighted the importance of error handling, proper cursor management, and the use of print statements for tracking progress. These techniques ensured smooth execution of the script and accurate results. By completing these tasks, we gained practical experience in working with geodatabases and manipulating spatial data using Python and ArcPy, essential skills for GIS programming.

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